Google Fired Entire Python Team 2024. Why?

Google Fired Entire Python Team 2024. Why?

May 3, 2024


Rahul Ponnumariappan


Google has apparently dismissed its entire Python team, adding to the recent wave of job cuts at the tech giant just before its annual developer conference in May.

Who are all Fired?

Google laid off employees from key teams such as Flutter, Dart, and Python. Some affected employees shared their experiences on social media platforms like Hacker News and Reddit, with claims surfacing that the entire Python team was let go. However, this isn't accurate; Google actually replaced the previous Python team with a new one based in Munich. Some users speculate that Google is seeking cheaper options outside the US.

Employee Tweet..

Twitter Post

Twitter Post

Google spokesperson Alex Garcia-Kummert stated, "We're responsibly investing in our company's top priorities and future opportunities. Over the latter part of 2023 and into 2024, several of our teams underwent restructuring to enhance efficiency, streamline processes, and align resources with our main product goals. This simplification aims to empower employees to focus on our most innovative initiatives while reducing bureaucracy."

A product manager from Google's Dart and Flutter team mentioned, "The layoffs were decided at higher levels within the company and affected numerous teams. Many talented individuals received unfortunate news, and several promising projects suffered losses."

Starting New Company on Other Country?

They Are Firing Python Team to reduce the cost of Employee Salary and they are planning to Start new Company in the Germany Which will Readuce the Employee Salary cost. In Sillicon valley places are more Expensive in everything that everyone know about it. For Example exmployee salary in silicon valley is five time higher than other ccountries. So to reduce the cost they have planned relocate the company.

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley

They are Shifting or Firing?

Some people are tweeting and shouting social media like fired but some of them were told that they are shifting the employee to the Another country.

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